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Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Tom Ford is back

After 6 years of deprivation of his influences on women’s ready-to-wear collections, the multi-tasker extraordinaire Tom Ford finally launched a new collection Sunday, 12th September 2010.
The designated dandy persuaded once more with his unmistakable flair for suspense, glamour and a grand entrance:

Tom Ford conspicuously vitiated common contemporary believes and deliberately acted anti-cyclical to everything fashion seemingly has developed into. No live streaming, no release of video footage, no democratization of fashion. He made his show an exclusive and intimate top-secret event in one of his menswear boutiques on Madison Avenue, Sunday 12th September at 6.30. He invited not more than 100 privileged spectators who had to sign a nondisclosure agreement and leave behind their camera equipment at the entrance. The only photographer inside, was his trusted in-house photographer Terry Richardson.

The strategy of secretiveness worked out wonderfully, the tweets from the event evoked the industry’s curiosity even more than usually. The itch to get a first glimpse at Mr. Ford's latest pieces is tremendous.
According to various tweets, the designer narrated his collection personally and had inspirational female celebrities like Lauren Hutton, Juliane Moore, Beyonce and Daphne Guiness strut down the catwalk alongside super models like Karen Elson, Freja Erichsen and Karlie Klos who presented his women RTW comeback. According to the tweets, the collection sported lots of silk, black & white as well as leopard print and gave a synopsis of Tom Ford’s various influences and previous opus. The atmosphere and collection was described as personal, fun, seductive, luxurious and chic and very “Tom Ford”.

The designer is quoted to have stated that he „does not get this need for immediacy" and also did want to avoid piracy of his collections by complete exposure and transparency. But much more than that, he acted upon the maxim of luxury and exclusivity. His strategy instantly suggests confidence and natural poise as well as a clear provocative message to fellow designers that despite his temporary absence, he is clearly still ahead of the pack.

Mere mortals are kept in suspense for another 4 months until January ‘11 when the collections and pictures are finally revealed to the public. Until then, we are doomed to experience what feels like the exquisite pain of unrequited love and admiration.

You must be one hell of a chess master to adjourn your comeback after 6 years of absence in the womenswear RTW circus by another few months.

Delighted to have you back, Mr. Ford!


Source: guardian.co.uk, WWD.com, 
Picture Source: upscalehype.com

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